Lorem Ipsum Dolor .......

Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum.......

Amazing Facts

  • Botanically a tomato is a fruit.
  • The "THE GUINNESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORD'S " it self holds a world record of best selling copyright series of all time.
  • Around 30% of people escaped when exposed to sudden bright light .
  • It was once thought that when you sneeze your heart will stop beating for a Milli second  hence the term "BLESS YOU".
  • The cockroach is the fastest insect on six legs .
  • A baby Grey whale will drink enough milk to full fill more than 2000 bottle a day.
  • An elephant weight's about 120 tonne at birth.
  • Elephant seals can hold their breath up to 2 hours while diving.
  • The largest human nose was 7.5 inches long.
  • Baby robins eat 14 feet of earth worm per day.
  • Mary Stuart became the queen of Scotland when she was 6 day old.
  • Tiger can run with 3 legs in the air simultaneously.
  • Tigers have eyes that  are that brightest of any other animal of the wold.
  • Venus is the only planet that rotates clock wise.
  • Snails have nearly 25000 teeth.
  • Walt Disney was afraid of mice.
  • New born mice that have  not yet grown fur are called pinkies.
  • If a kangaroo rat was as large as a human it could clear a football field in just one jump.


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